Bulbine keiskammaensis (Asphodelaceae) which is endemic to sheer rock faces of the lower Keiskamma River, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, is described (Figure 1). Its pendent stems up to 250mm long with a persistent network of purplish leaf bases and linear lanceolate, acuminate leaves of up to 450mm long (of which the margin is smooth) are faintly striate and green. The description of this taxon forms part of an extensive survey of cliff-dwelling succulent and bulbous-succulent taxa in South Africa and Namibia. A table is provided with a selection of characters of similar broad-leaved species of Bulbine in the Eastern Cape. A key is also provided to the cliff-dwelling Bulbine species of the summer rainfall parts of South Africa.
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Ernst J. van Jaarsveld, Adam Harrower, and Andrew Hankey "Bulbine keiskammaensis, a new cliff-dwelling Bulbine species (Asphodelaceae) from the Eastern Cape," Bradleya 2020(38), 268-272, (26 June 2020).
https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n38.2020.a25zdjecie tutaj: